In searching for some details on Mama Dolly, I discovered that the house place where the McKeever homestead is located, was built for Dolly and Johnny Gordon in the late twenties. Johnny Gordon was Dolly's first husband. He was killed in a log truck accident in 1929. With two small children (Jackie and James Gordon), Dolly was not able to keep the small farm in operation. She later married A. Jack Sherer from Jasper and moved her two in with his six (I believe) and we saw them for decorations and reunions at the Kilgore homestead.
My contact became serious when we moved back to Alabama from West Virginia in 1951 and discovered Alan Dale Sherer. He was a couple of years younger than Glen and I, but we hit it off like good cousins do.
For three years, until I left home to earn my fortune, we would spend a week with Alan Dale. Dolly and Jack gave us strict orders to cut the grass and stay out of Caine Creek. As soon as they left for their jobs...Dolly managed the Fair Store in Jasper and Jack was a carpenter....we headed to Caine Creek to fish and would get back home in time to do our chores.
During our visit, Jack would give each of us three, a quarter for the church offering. We would get it changed and put in a dime and keep fifteen cents for a trip to Brakefield Dairy. The dairy was located about a mile from Alan's house and we could buy a quart of chocolate milk for ten cents. We drank up the balance of our church offering in chocolate milk, and only God knew what we were doing.
At night, the three of us slept together and would laugh and snicker under the covers until Jack hollered, "BOYS!" It sounded like God, so we sorta kept it under control. Dolly had the Kilgore instinct for hard work and I remember she was a wonderful cook, as all the Kilgore girls were.
Whenever we went to Jasper...which was rare...the first place we headed to was the Fair Store. If the store didn't have what Mom was looking for, then the search began.
I recall vividly in 1954 when our house burned and all kids in school, everything was lost. Alan cleaned out his closet so Glen and I would have clothes to wear to school. The only thing Alan didn't do for us was introduce us to girls. I don't think he knew any.
The railroad track was a couple of blocks from Sherer house. When we visited Alan Dale I remember our scrounging up shotgun shells and placing them on the track to hear the train run over them. Looking back, I might have done a better job with my life if Alan hadn't influenced me the wrong way.
Seriously, I am fortunate to have been allowed by God to be born into the lineage of Kilgores and McKeevers. I had the honor of presiding over the service when Mama Dolly was laid to rest in New Prospect Cemetery in 1993.