The mind is a strange, but very important, part of who we
are. The mind remembers some
things and suppresses others. The
memories from the far distant past many times may seem like dreams—an early
morning fog, or a mist falling during a dark night. Such is the case when I reflect on my childhood. My memory is not the best, so my recall
of many far distant occurrences is lost.
It is with some assurance though that I can recall some significant toys
from my childhood.
Childhood play is an important part of a little one’s
existence. Playing in the dirt and
mud with siblings; playing “Annie, Annie Over” and “Red Light” with cousins;
and playing “Hide and Seek,” using the big oak in the front yard as “home base”
are all special fun activities that were part of our play as children. Now that I am a sixty-eight year old
man, I sense deep, deep within me still the young child that I was then.
As a child, I thought I had very little at the time. That was really far from the truth. My
mind can remember some special toys that I played with as a boy. The first toy
that comes to mind is one I know I had fun with. I know that because it is captured in a photograph. I have no real memory of it, but the
picture says it all. The photograph
shows me riding a little rocking horse.
On the back of the photo is the date-- October 17, 1947. I would have been three years old. The photograph captured the moment—my
appearance, our home in the background, and the fun I was experiencing as I
rode that horse.
I suppose the experience of riding that little horse stayed
with me because as an older boy, I wanted very much to have a real pony. But that was a gift I never did
receive. I do not recall the
reasons Daddy had for thinking the horse was not a good idea. As a side note,
when my baby brother, Ricky, was a boy, he got that pony. I never could understand what changed
in Daddy’s eyes that he agreed to allow Ricky to have a pony. But I am sure that Daddy had his
reasons. He always did. Maybe Ricky did not have a rocking
horse at age three.
The second toy I remember is a pedal car. It was a “cool” toy. You actually sat it in and pedaled away
as the wheels moved, propelling you forward. It was so much fun to ride in that little red pretend
car. To make it go faster, my
brother, Mike, and I would take turns pushing the car from behind as the other
one steered and pedaled. There is
an interesting story that occurred centering around that car. I posted the story on this blogspot site
under the title, “My Aunts, My Uncle, and My Dad” dated March 30, 2012. I would like to include that same story
for this post.
There was a time when we
did not go to church on Sunday nights. One Sunday night, my brother, Mike,
and I begged Daddy to take us to church, but to no avail. I had a little
pedal car at the time, so we told our parents that we would just go to
church any way and we would go in the pedal car. It didn't matter to us
that it was nighttime and it was very dark outside. We were probably 5
and 7 years old at the time.
Daddy told us to go
ahead, and so we did! I would
pedal a while and Mike would be behind the little car pushing. Then Mike
would pedal while I pushed. As we were approaching Granny Kilgore's house,
Mike and I saw a faint figure down the road ahead of us. We could not
make the figure out, but it was making some scary sounds. Instead of
running away, we pressed on down the road, pushing and pedaling. We soon
saw the figure clearly--a ghost, white sheet and all. We just pedaled
faster and pushed harder, hoping to quickly pass the ghost so we could get to
church. The ghost, seeing that we were not changing course, took the
white sheet off, and said, "Come on, boys! Let's go back home."
It was Daddy. We turned the little car
around and headed home, relieved that the ghost was friendly, but disappointed
that we had not been able to get to church!
The bicycle provided hours and hours of enjoyment for me and
also for my siblings. We would
ride up and down the graveled road from the house to the main road. Because of the poor traction a dirt
road provides, I was instructed to be cautious about the speed while riding the
bicycle. But I loved to go as fast
as I could. On one fine, summer
day, this need for speed resulted in a nasty spill on the road next to Jess
Lawson’s place. I had a scar on my left leg for a very long time as a result of
that painful accident. But most of
my memories of that bicycle were good ones.
Johnny Kilgore, author
edited by Pat Kilgore
Charlie and I used to come over and play with you and your younger siblings. We were told how long we could stay and then we had to go home. You were never ready for us to leave; in fact, you would cry when we left. So we devised a plan. We played hide and seek and when you were "it" and counting with your eyes closed, we'd sneak away up the road on our way home. But if we didn't run fast enough, you would see us and start crying. It broke my heart but we had to go.